Many companies carry out warehouse reorganization on an ongoing basis. According to the needs at a particular moment. On the one hand, the results are achieved faster this way. On the other hand, solutions are not always...
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In his classic In Search of Excellence: Lessons from America’s Best Run Companies, Tom Peters states that ‘sticking to the knitting’ is one of the success factors of the largest companies. In loose translation, it means...
In what warehouse equipment should you invest in order to achieve effective Logistics? In the previous article, together with Andrzej Lada-Kubala, who is the Operational Director of Wójcik Furniture, we talked about how...
Efficient logistics is necessary for the functioning of companies offering physical products or services. Necessary but not sufficient, as I have written in the article – Logistics is not everything. Consequently, when...
My blog contains posts on how to meet business needs through Logistics Management. However, Logistics is not everything. If not all of the functions in the organization play at the same level, then even the best Logistics will be...